Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great grampa says

Greetings people. I realize that its been a really long time since I have had a story for ya. I really thought that with the winter having been soo long, I'd would have had more time to blog stories to you. That's not to say that a bunch of stuff hasn't happened at work. But one story at a time otherwise, they start to run together. You could end up with a story like, "CoWorker caught making love to a pacemaker" or "Power injector makes quick work of 'bowel prep.'" Sorry, I should stay on task.

So the other day we had to perform an angio on a 87 year old man with mild confusion. In order to get into his femoral artery we had to shave his pelvic area. Then clean it with soap and cover him with a sterile drape. I told him that I was going to start by shaving his groin area and he says to me,"Just be careful with the tall timber." Which I thought was just a bit disgusting!
Then he says to me,"You got any cold food around here?" Not knowing what he had in mind, I asked him what he meant.
"You know, cold food,"
"Like what?" I asked.
"You know food that's cold" he responded.
"Do mean like jello?" I suggested.
"No no no, COLD food!" he yelled.
"Salad or ice cream?" I asked again.
"No. I talking about really cold food." he said with just a hint of anger.
"Well, you can't have food now but when we are done with your test and you get back to your room, what would you like to eat....and please don't say cold food!" I said onto him.
"Well I would really like.....Polar bear....yeah that's what I want."

Cold food, I get it. Polar bear.

Later people.
