Saturday, August 18, 2007

Butt Sarge.....nevermind.

Many years ago, I was in the Army. I had the great fortune of being stationed in the gem that is Schofield barracks, Hawaii. Good times. The weather's always perfect. Even when it rains its great. Oh and the work was cake!!! A couple of chest x-rays in the morning, a couple of ankle films, then the occassional neck x-ray of someone who fell off their surfboard. During the regular work week we'd average about 20 patients per day. During the weekend however, it was totally different. In a 12 hour shift on a Saturday or Sunday we'd do about 4-5 patients. Borrrrrrring. Thank God we had cable!
One particular abdomen x-ray stands out in my mind when I think back on those days.
I was nodding off at the front desk when the front door opened and in walked a soldier who looked like he had fallen out of the recruitment poster. A perfect soldier. He was about 6 ft tall with his uniform perfectly pressed, boots highly shined, haircut was perfect, his muscles were busting through his shirt. Simply impressive! So he handed me a request from his doctor for an abdominal x-ray. One shot, one film. E-Z! I made him put on a gown, took him into the x-ray room, layed him down on the table, shot the film, told him to go ahead and get dressed.(I never miss by the way) I took the film into the darkroom. Processed it. Pulled the x-ray out of the processor and bang there it was...........

The killer was STILL ON!!!!! The x-ray showed motion. Normally if an x-ray has any motion we repeat the x-ray but I wasn't about to. Not this time. You know with this type of soldier, I was very surprised!!!! I didn't think an Army soldier could ever afford the Ass-Crammer 2000 XL Delux on his salary!! Goes to show. You never can tell! Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg!!! Wow... HAHAHAHA!!!!